John Fiedler is co-Treasurer for the MPCE Board. He started attending events with his daughter Emily after Mary flagged him down in Costco and gave him our annual calendar. John and his wife Cindi moved to Idaho right before the Pandemic and are happy to be part of an organization that gives his adult daughter the opportunity to make friends with her peers doing fun things.

[email protected]

Upcoming Events

Current Month


26mar2:00 pm4:00 pm2:00 pm: Adventure Tour @ World Center for Birds of PreyNATURE ADVENTURE32 Guests are attending


08apr12:00 pm2:00 pm12:00 pm: Painting with Us! @ Wood CreationsCreative EventBe the first to RSVP24 Spots remaining


13may12:00 pm2:00 pm12:00 pm: Painting with Us! @ Wood CreationsCreative EventBe the first to RSVP24 Spots remaining


10jun12:00 pm2:00 pm12:00 pm: Painting with Us! @ Wood CreationsCreative EventBe the first to RSVP24 Spots remaining


08jul12:00 pm2:00 pm12:00 pm: Painting with Us! @ Wood CreationsCreative EventBe the first to RSVP24 Spots remaining

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